YCU Research Institute
We work to promote an independent social science research environment in Myanmar

To protect the rights, safety and welfare of both researchers and research subjects,
To protect the rights, safety and welfare of both researchers and research subjects,
To ensure that the research carried out in YCU serves the well-being of the society,
To ensure the researchers comply with the ethical conduct and follow the high ethical standards,
To produce high and advanced academic quality products.
As a research institution, the YRI upholds the highest standards of research integrity. The YRI will be an instrument to help all researchers and students observe the highest standards of ethics and integrity in the conduct of their research.
On behalf of the YRI, I would like to welcome you to join us to pursue your academic and research goals.
Who we are
The YCU Research institute (YRI) was established under the PNMD program. It aims to support the creation of an independent research environment by 2026. YCU is trying to provide the essential technical skills to the young and emerging independent researchers to be able to do their research works and deliver their research outputs to the different audiences. Hence, our research institute is providing research training, mentorships and supporting research publications. We also collaborate with local, regional and international research institutes who are interested in strengthening rule of law, justice, peace and democracy of Myanmar through research.
Core Values
(A) Inclusivity: The research institute is for all Myanmar researchers treated equally regardless of ethnicity, religion, gender and culture.
(B) Integrity: The research institute maintains academic integrity: ethical conduct and high ethical standards.
(C) Entrepreneurship: The research institute strives for innovative ideas and creativity for the well-being of society.
(D) Excellence: The research institute ensures delivering high and advanced academic quality products.
A leading social science research institute that provides financial and technical support to the beneficiaries in Myanmar and aims to be a research center that will issue and develop applicable proposals and problem-solving oriented academic results via research projects based on a new academic network.
To foster and promote an independent research environment for Social Sciences in Myanmar.